WARNING: Corrupt Joe and the Left Have An Agenda …
Join me for the FREE online event where David Harris blows the lid on what’s really happening with the economy … why you need to act now to protect yourself and your assets … and how to grow a brand new income on the side.
Register now for the FREE LIVE online event
Fri, 2 Dec 7pm EST New York
My name is Pat Mesiti and I’m a friend and fellow freedom fighter friend of David Harris Jr.
Davis Harris Jr is running a FREE online event with me and income expert Troy Harris.
And we’re going to show you exactly what you need to do right now to protect yourself and your wealth from the coming economic bloodbath.
It’s vital you join us.
You’ve given your blood, sweat and tears for you family, your community and your country.
Yet Sleepy Joe and his cronies are stealing it away
You’ve given your blood, sweat and tears for you family, your community and your country.
Yet Sleepy Joe and his cronies are stealing it away
And now a relentless campaign to STOP TRUMP from Making America Great Again.
What Really Happened on Capitol Hill? David Harris was by Trump’s side all day … and blows the lid on what really went on
Want to know what really happened on January 6th 2021?
David Harris Jr. was there by Trump’s side all day.
He was even scheduled to speak to the crowd until it was cancelled for safety reasons.
And he knows firsthand exactly what Trump said, what he did and more importantly …
… what was reported in the media to have happened … even though it didn’t.
The media … the government … the new world order are LYING to you.
They’re taking good honest people just like you down.
So David’s lifting the lid on what’s really going on with the economy, the government and the UN and World Economic Forum.
And what you must do to protect yourself, your family and your future generations.
If you’re willing to fight back
I’m willing to help you.
This is why we’re running this urgent event.
It’s so you can protect what’s yours and actually grow it despite the chaos, recession and inept government.
Recession, gas prices, interest rates, inflation and energy costs.
It’s all explained so you know what’s really happening.
And why you must act now to protect yourself.
David Harris Jr will explain his take on this as well.
And he’ll tell why having an extra income is vital if you’re going to weather the storm and come out in front.
This is why our co-presenter Troy Harris is also going to give you …
… The Lazy Way To Make Money From Crypto Every Day
I don’t care what you think about crypto.
Love it or hate it, trading it is one of the smartest ways there is to get rich.
Because it’s volatile, and this means money moves fast in there.
This Creates An Income Stream From Crypto Without Lifting A Finger
Troy Harris was a highly successful trader who figured out how to make money regardless of whether the market was going up, down or sideways.
However, instead of gluing himself to his computer and trading around the clock … he created a little application to do it all for him.
Better still, it processes market moves way faster than he could do manually.
And it runs around the clock 24/7.
It doesn’t need to sleep.
Or eat, go to the toilet or exercise.
All it does is follow his rules, find trades and execute them all day, every day.
It doesn’t make silly human mistakes either.
Nor is it affected by emotions like greed and fear.
And it doesn’t even get tired.
And he’s going to show you how it works, and how you can set one loose to find and execute trades for you.
He’s also going to show you how you can create returns of as much as 1% … per day.
Plus how to get returns on your very first day.
Are You Ready To Stand Up?
Listen, it’s another 2 years before we can vote Biden out.
But there’s still something you can do right now.
In fact, you must do it.
You must protect yourself, your assets and your family.
And this means not being a victim of the coming economic onslaught.
The cost of living is out of control.
And nobody is going to be spared …
… except you with your extra income stream which melts your money problems away.
I’ve done everything I can to help you.
I’ve made this event FREE to attend.
And I’ve put on 2 world class speakers to reveal what’s really going on, and to show you how to create a brand new income stream in your spare time.
Right now as your wealth and income are under attack, this could be the answer you’ve been looking for.
I hope to see you, ready to fight for your family at this FREE online event.
Fri, 2 Dec 7pm EST New York
About David Harris Jr.
Unapologetically patriotic, David Harris Jr. endeavors to help society discover what it truly means to keep America great.
David Harris Jr. is an entrepreneur, author, and podcast host who delivers thought-provoking and engaging presentations that challenge audiences to pay attention to important political, social, and economic issues.
Listeners appreciate his honest and relatable approach to topics focusing on the conservative culture and pro-life movement.
Using his own life experiences and faith-based direction, he brings a passionate and unique message tailored to each event.
David regularly serves as a guest speaker and panelist at a variety of venues and functions across the country. He's been featured at the Falkirk Center Freedom Summit in Washington, D.C.; Non-Essential in Chino Hills, CA, Liberty University Convocation in Lynchburg, VA; and The Freedom Rally in Grand Junction, CO, just to name a few.
He has shared the stage with many notable individuals, such as Kirk Cameron, Dinesh D'Souza, Candace Owens, and Charlie Kirk.
Reaching millions of people through his social media channels, radio show, and book, Why I Couldn't Stay Silent, David strives to break down the racial, political, and assumptive barriers that are currently causing division throughout our nation.
Taking a stand for the Constitution and freedom of every American, he frequently appears as a guest on Lou Dobbs Tonight, Fox & Friends, and several shows on the OAN Network.
About Troy Harris
Troy Harris is an NFT and cryptocurrency educator, with over 6 years’ experience in the space.
Troy’s passion and enthusiasm for the crypto world has led him to run several masterclasses exclusively for high-net-worth individuals and working groups over the past 2 years.
Coming from a customer service and teaching background, Troy truly embodies the ethos of “Giving without the expectation of receiving anything in return””.
His teaching and creation of strategies to earn passively has been a constant driving force behind the success of his students.
He has taught and helped hundreds of people conquer the power of the decentralized online world through simple and proven strategies.
These strategies have led him to help his students generate millions of dollars in returns, within a very short space of time.
About Pat Mesiti
Pat is a world renowned income acceleration coach. His passion is to equip and empower people and businesses to experience growth and prosperity to their fullest potential.
His expertise is to shift mindsets and build bigger people to create amazing outcomes.
Pat is an author of 12 books and has spoken to large conferences across the world.
He is an Australian icon in high demand around the world as a keynote speaker and presenter. And his seminars and products are transforming the lives of all they touch.
Pat has spoken for, and shared the platform globally with some of the world’s most influential people including, Sir Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Denis Waitley, Robert Kiyosaki, Mark Victor Hansen, Jim Rohn, the late Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, Captain Jerry Coffee, Allan Pease, Bob Proctor, Willie Jolley, Morris Goodman “The Miracle Man”, and many more…
Pat is on his way to creating 10,000 millionaires through his works. And he will shift your mindset, touch your heart and increase your wealth.
Register now for the FREE LIVE training
Fri, 2 Dec 7pm EST New York