Saturday Encore

Ignite Your Inner Hero
Dr Demartini Reveals the 6 Steps the Richest People in the World Took to Make Millions
Have you ever dreamed of being more wealthy, powerful, influential all while doing what you love?
If you have… you’re not alone.
99% of people want more money but only 1% get wealthy.
This explains why in developed countries like Australia, more than 90 percent of people depend on the government when they retire, and more than 60 percent of them also rely on family members.

Pat Mesiti - Host | Dr. John Demartini - Presenter
Pat Mesiti - Host
Dr. John Demartini - Presenter
So how do you become part of the 1% of millionaires who make a great living doing what they love, while making a big difference in the world?
There is only one answer to this question: You follow their 6 secrets in a very specific order.
And the best part?
You don’t need to start with an unfair advantage whatsoever. You don’t need to have money to make money, and it’s not about “who you know” either. The journey towards unlimited wealth while making a difference in the world, starts with serving people.
And that’s why most people fail to become wealthy because they focus on how they can earn more instead of thinking of how they can serve more.
As soon as your focus changes, your journey to riches begins
But it doesn’t stop there.
There are another 5 secrets that need to be followed in order, and they will be revealed in detail LIVE by Dr. John Demartini.
For the last 47 years of his life, Dr John Demartini has dedicated his life to studying the wealthiest people in the world and researching, writing, and teaching human behaviour to help people make more, doing what they love, all while making a huge difference and building a legacy.
He’s been blessed to share the stage with some of the world’s most influential people such as Sir Richard Branson, Stephen Covey, Wayne Dyer, Donald Trump and many more. He’s also had the privilege of being featured in many documentaries, such as The Secret and working alongside celebrities such as Hugh Jackman and Seal.

So this is just a glimpse of what Dr John Demartini will reveal during this special livestream:
Ignite Your Inner Hero

Dr. John Demartini

Pat Mesiti

The difference between what Dr John Demartini teachers and what others teach, is that they try to be someone they are not instead of embracing who they are.
I promise you, what you will learn is unique and you won’t find this information anywhere else.
No doubt, while attending this livestream you’ll experience huge breakthroughs and have many ‘aha’ moments. You’ll realize how close you are to creating a fortune by being yourself and doing what you love.
If you know what you love doing already or would like to identify your true passion and finally turn it into a money-making asset…
If you’re currently experiencing a plateau in your life and not going to the next level…
If you're unclear about where you want to go…
If you’re scared of change or scared of doing something different…
I urge you to secure your place because that’s exactly what the “Ignite Your Inner Hero” livestream is all about.
Ignite Your Inner Hero

Dr. John Demartini

Pat Mesiti
This event could be the start of a new, beautiful journey for you. You’ll experience things you’ll never forget. Chances are, you’ll never feel the same about yourself.
You’ll understand that who you already are and what you love doing are the only elements you need to achieve anything you desire.
Please don’t let your self-talk convince you that you don’t deserve more in this life and secure your ticket now

About Dr. John Demartini
Dr. John Demartini is a human behavioural specialist, founder of the Demartini Institute, international best-selling author, educator and business consultant working with CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, celebrities and sports personalities. He provides answers to questions and practical solutions to life’s challenges in numerous keynote presentations, workshops, television, radio and print interviews, published books, CDs, DVDs and online downloads. Globally he has worked with individuals and groups across all markets, sectors and age groups including government leaders, entrepreneurs, financiers, psychologists, health professionals, teachers and young adults, assisting and guiding them to greater levels of achievement, fulfillment and empowerment in all areas of life.
He has shared the stage with some of the world’s most influential people such as Sir Richard Branson, Stephen Covey, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Donald Trump and many more. I’ve also had the privilege of being featured in many documentaries, such as The Secret and working alongside celebrities such as Hugh Jackman, Seal and Bob Geldof.
For the past 47 years, he’s been researching, writing, traveling, teaching, and sharing the wisdom he’s gathered after reading 29,000 books, to help people do extraordinary things. As a result, his work has been referenced in over 200 books.
About Pat Mesiti
Pat is a world renowned income acceleration coach. His passion is to equip and empower people and businesses to experience growth and prosperity to their fullest potential.
His expertise is to shift mindsets and build bigger people to create amazing outcomes.
Pat is an author of 12 books and has spoken to large conferences across the world.
He is an Australian icon in high demand around the world as a keynote speaker and presenter. And his seminars and products are transforming the lives of all they touch.
Pat has spoken for, and shared the platform globally with some of the world’s most influential people including, Sir Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Denis Waitley, Robert Kiyosaki, Mark Victor Hansen, Jim Rohn, the late Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, Captain Jerry Coffee, Allan Pease, Bob Proctor, Willie Jolley, Morris Goodman “The Miracle Man”, and many more…
Pat is on his way to creating 10,000 millionaires through his works. And he will shift your mindset, touch your heart and increase your wealth.