New World Disorder

World renowned activist and radio talk show host Charlie Kirk reveals in an exclusive interview: How To Survive The Current Economic And Political Oppression


Charlie Kirk

Pat Mesiti


Pat Mesiti


Darren Jenkins


Register now for the FREE ONLINE event.

Sat, 16 Sep at 2am London
Fri, 15 Sep at 6pm Los Angeles

We are living under tyranny.

The US President, whose 2020 election win remains questionable, is a Chinese agent on Chinese payroll. He sold his country for millions using his son Hunter Biden as a proxy.

And when he got in power, he arrested his political opponent.

To make matters even worse, our governments keep on spending themselves into bankruptcy, by sending billions to Ukraine when their own people can’t afford basic necessities such as food, shelter and heating.

Instead of working towards peace they’re perpetuating the war. Because war is how illegitimate regimes stay in power.

The Biden administration for example directed more than $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine and Australia has contributed $790 million since the war began.

And we’re paying for their spending spree through rampant inflation…

Have you seen the price of petrol? People can’t afford to go anywhere. The sense of freedom we have when we drive has been taken away. We’re now punished for owning a car or wanting to travel.

America and Australia can no longer be nicknamed ‘the land of opportunity’ where hard-working and ambitious people can have the freedom and opportunities to create wealth.

America itself is bankrupt and the banks are insolvent.

The US was defaulting until Joe Biden signed the bill to suspend the government debt ceiling.

In other words: They kicked the can down the road and only postponed the total collapse of the economy.

Wealth and freedom have been replaced by punishment. This is tyranny.

And because tyrants are more powerful when we’re not financially literate, when we don’t own assets and when we’re not financially independent I’ve asked world-renowned activist Charlie Kirk to share his blueprint for escaping this economic and pollical oppression.

Here’s why you MUST listen to Charlie Kirk:

Charlie Kirk, a friend of former President Donald Trump, is the Founder of Turning Point USA, the largest and fastest-growing conservative youth activist organization in the country with 400,000 student members, 450 full and part-time staff, and a presence on over 2,500 high school and college campuses.

Charlie's social media reaches over 100 million people per month and he was name as one of the "top 10 most engaged" handles in the world.

Charlie is also a New York Times and Amazon #1 best-selling author of "The MAGA Doctrine: The Only Ideas that Will Win the Future”.

Lastly, his podcast "The Charlie Kirk Show" was downloaded over 120 million times in the last 12 months, regularly ranks among the top-10 shows on Apple podcast news charts and is syndicated on over 120 radio stations.

During this exclusive interview, Charlie Kirk will reveal:

  • What is really happening behind-the-scenes and the serious threats to our financial system and money
  • The steps to take right now to avoid being completely wiped out financially
  • The new anti-bank movement that can help you protect your money from the bank cartels and financial corruption
  • Why we could experience the biggest wealth transfer we’ve ever seen and the small window of opportunity to create generational wealth
  • Why our currency will collapse and more banks will fail
  • Why most people are about to see their money and assets go up in smoke and face poverty
  • The new opportunities to create wealth and generate cash flow without putting our money at risk in the traditional financial system
  • Why we’re about to face a huge stock market crash and bigger-than-ever economic crisis

Plus, he’ll answer your most burning questions, including:

Who is likely to win the 2024 US presidential elections and how?
What are the serious threats and dangers to our lives and money?
How can we create wealth right now in this current economic climate?
Is our money safe in banks?
How can we sidestep the government’s sinister agenda?

Right now, it’s more important than ever to take back control of our money and regain our freedoms. We have to take the necessary measures to avoid being wiped out financially from one day to the next. What we’ve worked so hard to create could go up in smoke.

And Charlie Kirk, this 29-year-old highly successful businessman and world-renowned activist and influencer has agreed to share his blueprint for creating wealth and becoming financially free in this current tyrannical environment.

If you’re still in doubt whether to attend, here are 5 reasons you MUST be there:

  • This is the first time I discuss this topic with highly acclaimed activist Charlie Kirk – and I might never be allowed to do it again
  • We are living under tyranny – so you need to discover how to sidestep the government’s sinister agenda and protect your money and assets before they’re taken away from you
  • Tickets for the virtual conference are freeI will be joined by an alternative banking expert who will share how to prepare for the biggest moneymaking stampede of our life
  • I will be joined by an alternative banking expert who will share how to prepare for the biggest moneymaking stampede of our life
  • You won’t be able to access this interview anywhere else – it is exclusively for registrants of this event

However, I have to warn you.

Time is quickly running out which is why I urge you to secure your spot now while this offer is still open.

Remember, this is your chance to gain expert information you need to prepare, protect and potentially profit from what is unfolding right now.

So, make sure you secure your place before it’s too late.

I hope to see you there.

New World Disorder

World renowned activist and radio talk show host Charlie Kirk reveals in an exclusive interview: How To Survive The Current Economic And Political Oppression


Charlie Kirk

Pat Mesiti


Pat Mesiti


Darren Jenkins


Register now for the FREE ONLINE event.

Sat, 16 Sep at 2am London
Fri, 15 Sep at 6pm Los Angeles

Charlie Kirk

Charlie Kirk, is a friend of former President Donald Trump and the Founder of Turning Point USA, the largest and fastest-growing conservative youth activist organization in the country with 400,000 student members, 450 full and part-time staff, and a presence on over 2,500 high school and college campuses.

Charlie's social media reaches over 100 million people per month and he was name as one of the "top 10 most engaged" handles in the world.

Charlie is also a New York Times and Amazon #1 best-selling author of "The MAGA Doctrine: The Only Ideas that Will Win the Future”.

His podcast "The Charlie Kirk Show" was downloaded over 120 million times in the last 12 months, regularly ranks among the top-10 shows on Apple podcast news charts and is syndicated on over 120 radio stations.

Darren Jenkins

Darren Jenkins is an entrepreneur, international speaker, and wealth creation strategist passionate about helping people from all walks of life leverage the power of Decentralized Finance. He is known for demystifying the language of Blockchain technology.

Darren has spoken at some of the biggest blockchain and Web 3.0 conferences around the world, alongside world renowned economists and media personalities such as Peter Schiff, Robert Kiyosaki and Harry Dent.

New World Disorder

World renowned activist and radio talk show host Charlie Kirk reveals in an exclusive interview: How To Survive The Current Economic And Political Oppression


Charlie Kirk

Pat Mesiti


Pat Mesiti


Darren Jenkins


Register now for the FREE ONLINE event.

Sat, 16 Sep at 2am London
Fri, 15 Sep at 6pm Los Angeles

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